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If you have not read these, you might consider adding some or all of the following books to your library.

Selling The Invisible, Harry Beckwith
“A field guide to modern marketing is now a classic.” You can read this book for a few minutes at a time and learn something valuable.

What Clients Love, Harry Beckwith
"A field guide to growing your business.” Loaded with great ideas presented in a quick, easy-to-read format.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life, The Kaizen Way, Robert Maurer, Ph.D.
"The philosophy is simple: great change is made through small steps. The result: amazing.”

The Elements of Copywriting, Gary Blake and Robert W. Bly
“The essential guide to creating copy that gets the results you want.”

Little Red Book of Selling, Jeffrey Gitomer
The Wall Street Journal Best Seller, Business Week Best Seller. How to make sales forever.

Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From?, Larry Bailin
“This book is an Internet marketing book with great sales and marketing tools. It uncovers connective marketing messages that allow businesses to create what they really need the most…sales.” “In today’s competitive marketplace, managing ”consumer” relationships is critical to a company’s profitability and long term success.  This was a major weakness for us.  Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From? helped us realize that we needed to rethink our online strategy to build relationships with our customers and not just increased web traffic to our site.
- Donald Townsend, Director Trade Marketing, Sara Lee HBC

Good to Great, Jim Collins
“Based on a five-year research project, Good to Great answers the question: “Can a good company become a great company, and, if so, how?” True to the rigorous research methodology and invigorating teaching style of Jim Collins, Good to Great teaches how even the dowdiest of companies can make the leap to outperform market leaders the likes of Coca-Cola, Intel, General Electric, and Merck.”

Built to Last, Jim Collins
"Built to Last is an enlightening and interesting classic on business strategic management.”

In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters
“The seminal management book In Search of Excellence, by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, was published in 1982, and remains one of the one of the biggest selling and widely read business books ever. Peters and Waterman found eight common themes which they argued were responsible for the success of the chosen corporations, which have become pointers for managers ever since.“